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New Home!

Welcome to my new website. Took a bit longer than planned to get it going but the essentials are finally sorted. If you've arrived here via my Artweb and Weebly sites then thanks for popping over. I hope you agree the overall style is so much nicer - brighter for sure - but much nicer. The galleries contain completely new work along with some sculptures which have had a bit of a makeover. There's a shop coming in a while too so stay tuned.

Life, like the art, continues as a work in progress. I've been happily temping for the last year but my latest role is ending so we'll see what comes next. It'd be nice to have a permanent job so I can forge on with the art, knowing how many hours I have available and of course, having the comfort of knowing the rent will be paid each month. But, for the last 3 years or so, things have had a nice habit of dropping into place just at the right time so I'm all for that continuing!

Meanwhile, May and June is all art fairs and Open Studios so lots of opportunities to see what's out there if I can only find the time to get out to view them! My to-do list includes job applications (boring), deciding whether to change my bank as they close the last local branch (tiresome), finally registering balance point sculpture as a business (essential) and clearing my work table so I can start a new sculpture (fun at last!).

OK, so I'm just going to hit 'publish' and put the site out there then think about whether to leave the blog as a white page over the coloured background. Slightly odd looking but maybe easier on the eye with more text than the other pages...? That's a decision for another day.

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