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Creating new work

Settling in nicely to the new job and just love having so much more time every day to do things. I've just finished two new pieces - it's always nice to complete a project so I can bash on to the next idea. 'Sun Meets Moon', which has sat for some time not entirely pleasing me with it's concept, now has a new face/mask and brand new colour scheme and design of the support structure. The gallery photo doesn't show the full face but the mask is a sickle moon on one side and sun rays on the other with the costume following the same idea. I've had some fancy wools in my goodie box for ages and the fluffy yellow one looks quite effective and unusual while the other wool has blue and purple to pick out the moon colours.

The second piece 'Helping Hand(stand)' is a bas relief of an acro gymnastics trio. This came from a sketch that took about 3 minutes to do with a Sharpie on scrap paper and just worked right first time off. Minimal thinking time - just do it and no obsessing. That's how the best work comes; from staying loose and unconcerned about the outcome. It seems effortless working in this way and I have to remember to approach more things like this. The build up of the shape was done over a few sessions then I was dying to use the new metallic greens I'd just bought, so on they went. I love a bit of lime green these days as it has so much energy to it.

I'm deciding what projects to set up next. An abstract painting for one thing, a pastel based more abstract styled dance piece for a print, a polymer clay piece which has remained 'nude' since firing about two years ago and a test piece for creating a mold for a paper pulp sculpture. Maybe I'll just make a start on all of them then I can keep working while other things dry out. Which means getting more disciplined with my work small round table...I just need to be more tidy minded and put things away as I go rather than leaving them out. Oh, for the space to be able to easily access stuff without squeezing round corners and bending awkwardly to get to tubs and boxes. Someday I'm going to have a studio again. That's a promise I've made to myself and it's going to happen!

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