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Step by Step Sculpting in Paper Pulp 2

Finished this at the weekend though the costuming took much longer than I'd anticipated, but that's often the case. Here are some more images of the second half of the work. The raw pulp version can look quite interesting at times as the colour of the egg cartons is a mix of orange, green and dirty grey depending on which batch I'm using at the time. The finished piece is painted with a coat of textile hardener and the hand made paper version in Fig. 2 just creates a light coloured base to work from and helps create a uniform texture. The face is left uncovered though - it's pretty smooth and would lose a lot of definition of the features if it was papered as well.

The rest is just patiently painting the undercoat colour, pasting, tearing, sticking and touching up until the whole piece is covered. A final coat of textile hardener keeps it waterproof and prevents any damage to the very fragile paper. I quite like the softer ice cream colours of this compared to my frequent bright reds and bold blues and in terms of complexity, much more demanding than the white and black/gold piece I did last month. I like doing both types though and it's always fun to dream up themes for a piece.

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