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Just can't think of a title this week!

Moving quickly on my latest two pieces (cue bad quality photos again-sorry). Been a hot and humid week with high temperatures needing a fan to stop my laptop from overheating, with the side effect of drying out my pulp before I can get it all on the model. On the plus side, the model dries quickly so I can layer up almost straight away. I'd like to post images side by side here but click and drag seems to have its own ideas about where things should go. Gaah. So annoying. Just.Put.Them.Side.By.Side. (10 minutes later it decides to do just that-but out of alignment. Gave up and removed the other image).

leaping dancer, mod rock, in progress

Been having issues with the gallery if you're thinking this woman sounds slightly crazed. I want to title each piece and input alt text for search engines and screen readers to 'see'. However, tagging the gallery images only gives an option to title the piece (by which Wix actually means - add the alt text). This then sits in the text box below each image. This is ok if you just want a title and don't ever want anyone to find your images when searching...hmm...but the alternative is to put alt text in and have that show below the image. I really don't need to see alt text there. Anyhow, I need to add both. How do I do that? Wix replied to my query by telling me what alt text is and how to add it. Sure. OK. Ta. This clearly isn't going to work. So have decided the only way to get what I need is to abandon galleries, upload each image independently, alt text it, then insert a text box below each image and write what I want.

I dunno, if you're an artist this seems a pretty obvious requirement to me (worked fine on my old Artweb site) but searching has brought up nothing on this. So, workaround it is. Patience goes right out the window at times with tech stuff. Don't start me on the line spacing which changes under the images below with no option to amend it. I think I may have a touch of OCD about me.

We've just had bit of thunder and rain this afternoon/early evening. I was hoping for a proper soaking when I cycled home (oh glorious rain) but it saved the real downpour until I was locking up the bike. Some good lightning though. Was hoping I might get to see the moon eclipse/spot Mars later tonight but the clouds make that look a bit doubtful. Still, got a couple of hours to go...

This one is nearly done, another acro gymnastics balance: left to right - basic armature, body and partial head blocked in, just needing feet finessing and balance point added and some refining of shapes to complete first stage. The base - I picked up a couple of these, which are actually lids from some bath salts or something. Someone had dropped them outside the local supermarket and left all the glass and bits on the path. Being a bit of a Womble I thought 'hmm, nice round bits of wood...up-cycling...bases...' and took them home. As you do.

The top one is another mod rock piece. Her left foot will actually finish a few centimetres above the base as she is leaping rather than 'prancing'. Well, we'll see how that looks after the weekend's work. Got to have my 'fun' doing the fingers first. Always put that part off!

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