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3, 2, 1 and action!

Just after writing last week’s blog, I read Nikolas Allen’s ‘Death to the Starving Artist’ and watched a ‘motivational rant’ by art vlogger Rafi Perez. Both expressed what’s often overlooked when we’re fretting about taking action - the immense excitement and satisfaction of dreaming up new ideas, building things using our unique mix of skills and perspectives, using every bit of ourselves with maximum effort and then showing it off. Because it doesn’t matter where you’ve come from or where you are now – it’s all about what you’re heading towards and how thrilling it can be when you get there!

I was a gymnast years ago, a late starter at 21, pretty much self-taught before then (actually mostly after as well cos we had so few coaches!). I was training alongside kids half my age and twice my talent but I thought maybe I could at least aim to win our annual ‘most improved gymnast’ trophy if nothing else. But it’s hard playing catch up when you think everyone else is so much better…

Anyone going the DIY route can have a sort of angst about measuring up against the established folks. For artists, it’s the art school graduates or those who’ve been painting or sculpting for years, because who are we to think we can skip all that teaching and create something worthwhile? Going your own way means not having the security of moving up defined levels with critical feedback along the way; you just have to tinker and test until you feel you’ve got something happening, albeit in the solitude of your studio.

At some point though, you have to show the routines in competition, put the art in a show or on your website and see how people respond. Just take the risk. Make the move.

Sixteen years ago I gave up my job, sold the house and car and bought a one year round the world plane ticket. Four years ago, I gave up another job and moved to the other end of the country to delve into art. You’d think that would scare the pants off me but it didn’t. I wanted a different life, but didn't know what that meant yet, so I had to ditch what I had to make space for new things to come in. Which they did.

Somehow though, narrowing my focus – to really commit to be an Artist (with a capital A) was more of a psychological battle than I expected and damn if it’s not the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. It’s also something that could open up my future again. I think I’ve finally worn myself down with procrastination and now have a ‘getyourshittogether’ spreadsheet to tick off every day when I actually do concrete things! A website revamp is being worked on right now.

If anyone is reading this, you are quite welcome to drop me a line and poke me very hard if this blog appears to not show any progress being made! And if any of this strikes a chord with you…I hope something here or in subsequent posts helps you to take a leap too (I considered being

a life coach once – just can’t help prodding people towards what they dream about!) – drop me a line if so.

Oh, and that trophy – it has my name on it.

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