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Smart move

After two attempts to find my local DPD delivery centre - getting hopelessly lost the first time, cycling all round Croydon Business and Retail Park - thanks Google maps :( I now have my very first smart phone. Battled home through rain and high winds this evening with my prize - a shiny new Nokia 3.1. Woohoo! I may be late getting round to things but with all the research I do, figure I can catch up pretty quick. This one has a 13 megapixel camera so I hope to be uploading better quality images in the future. Now I have to get my mitts on a nano sim with whichever provider I hook up with.

Tonight though, I'm just scarfing some tea (that's the evening meal if you're not from the North of England) as I was so hungry when I finally got home, and will rough out some ideas for my next new pieces now I have a little stash of armatures ready to go (see left). They make quite a nice little group there. The wooden model doll thingy was 2 quid from Wilko (love that shop). She'll never make a dancer (stiff as a board though she does hyperextend the knees to a worrying degree), but I might have a bit of fun testing out poses with it.

This weekend, alongside working out my phone and seeing if I can get Twitter sort of set up, I hope to re-do the website a bit, get all the images properly alt tagged and see if I can get a shop app or something working. More ticks to go on my getyourshittogether spread sheet.

A regular, steady drip drip of bite sized actions creates a nice momentum to build on, which is better than trying to do tons of things all at once then getting overwhelmed. This way, movement is always forward rather than a jerky stop-start effort. Bit like driving but without a sat nav to tell me where I'm going. Magical Mystery Tours however, are much more fun!

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