Refresh time - website updates
Right in middle of refreshing the site (once again). It's been very time consuming as the edit text function freezes if I do too much at once. It does very strange things which had me truly puzzled at times. However, it's getting there.
My new phone takes much better pictures so these have to be uploaded. This also means I will remove the gallery format and try adding each image as a stand alone with an accompanying text box. This sounds like more aggro than necessary but it's a workaround due to the fact that I can't format the text layout in a gallery and alt tags are oddly included as visible text where you'd put the item description. Which looks a bit rubbish.
Here's the new, more restrained background which I sketched quickly in pastels at the weekend.
I'm adding a 'how to buy' page which includes all the necessary terms and conditions. There is an option to use a shop app of course but that's really best for people with a lot of items to sell. For now, I'm keeping it simple and I can tailor it to what I need at this stage.
There are a few edits here and there but replacing the gallery is the big job. I think this is probably going to take me to the weekend but I finish work tomorrow and have a chunk of time to New Year to get lots of things sorted out. I've learned that, whatever time I set aside for site work - triple it and that will be closer to reality!
And of course, it means less time to get on with the three pieces I have on the go, but actually, they are all about to reach colouring stage this evening, which is good because I have two new ideas in my head ready to go and a bunch of paintings I'd like to tackle as well over the holidays. It's tricky getting the balance right between creating work and doing the business side as well but the 'admin' is how you turn the work into sales in the future.