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Where does the time go?

Quick post this week as I have a lot to do. The pieces I'd planned for submitting to an art fair, which ended up smaller than I wanted, took up a chunk of the preparation time. The cut off date for submissions is 1st April. But I have had some work to add to the galleries so it's not all bad. My last piece, not quite finished, is below. I'm going to add some silver leaf, the base needs completing and the whole thing sealing but that's it. It's a bit different from my usual poses but I'm really trying to do more interesting shapes. It's too easy to go for the obvious.

I've got two new, larger armatures prepared and another to add. I'm going with a cirque theme so one is a contortionist, one is a hand balance (cos I love doing those) and the other is going to be a vertical split involving hoops but I haven't quite worked out where the hoops will go yet. I have just over six weeks to get these done. Not an impossibility but no time to waste. There will be a succession of pots of shredded egg box pieces soaking by the work table to keep momentum going. I'm going to have to sort the design aspect out ahead of time and stick to it, but I know one will use the Japanese paper tear and paint effect I used on the rhythmic rope gymnast. I really like how that turned out.

No further info on the disappearing gallery in town. It's just gone and nothing posted on their social media or website or via the mailing list. Fine. Strike that from potential exhibition space then. Move on.

Contacted my local artist group to join, knowing I'm too late for this year's open studios as they start the lists almost a full year ahead. I also asked how to join without creating a Facebook account (that is not ever happening). I'd hoped for something more than - sorry you're too late for this year and follow us on social media. Maybe you only join when you can do open studios? Urgh, I know I'm way too much down the DIY thing but it seems like when I do try to step out a bit there are only dead ends. Fine. I'll track down who these people are myself and see what I can glean from Twitter.

Meanwhile, my new larger bases have arrived and I have to get on with the last armature before I have to leave for work. God I hate afternoon shifts. It is so totally annoying having to break up the day like this. Give me an early start then the rest of the day to get stuck into something.

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