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New Artist Fair set up tomorrow!

Super quick post today. Spent most of the weekend doing final prep for the art fair. Business cards arrived really quickly and they look really nice. Very pleased with them.

So, have been checking over all the art work to be sure it’s finished the way I want; this meant adding a bit more depth to some backgrounds which I felt were a bit wishy-washy...and signing everything.

They then have to be carefully matted, slipped into clear poly bags, labels hand written (as I don’t have a printer) and stuck on.

Going over all the sculptures that I’ll be taking. Some didn’t have felt on the wooden bases so I had to sort those, and again, add signatures in an unobtrusive spot. Write price and info labels for each and name those that hadn't been given one.

I did a test build of my cubes which will act as plinths. I could’ve done with a couple more squares so I just made them. Cut some foam core to size and put tracing paper over to simulate the frosted look of the cubes. I’ve more or less figured out how they will balance between two towers of cubes…

Sculptures are now packed in a suitcase, which also has a zip up part which will take the A4 matted paintings. Yes, I did about half a dozen in the end. These, plus the A3 paintings weigh much more than all the sculptures!

Aand then decided I wanted to hang a canvas or two. So I started a painting yesterday morning. It’s the hip hop dancer which I never quite got the way I wanted with inks so I upsized it a bit and it’s now a finished 16 x 20 acrylic.

Man, I have to say that slapping paint onto a canvas has been a most wonderful release after so many weeks of painting with you-better-get-this-right-cos-it’s-there-to-stay ink!

Gaargh, just realised I didn’t paint out the edges of the canvas. Ok – five minutes to do and messy hands again.

Two canvases to hang would be nice…heck, I have no idea how I’m going to get all this to London. I can actually take most of it on Thursday, which is setting up day, then take the bigger paintings on Friday, which is private viewing day from 4pm.

Better sell some stuff then I don’t have to cart it all back in one go! Wish me luck!

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