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Momentum - don't stop it, use it

What? Still no shop set up? What is the matter with you!

I've been busy. And yes, I did paint over some of the copper bits on the latest sculpture and it looks much better. I'd post an image but it's very early morning (my new schedule) - terrible for taking photos.

I really did plan to have the whole damn thing out of my hair and completed this weekend but...first I thought I'd better start filling out the notes of a few of the blog writing topics I've been accumulating (33 at this point), and, well...I got started on one and it's now about 2,500 words long.

And there was some researching and YouTube interviews on it to watch (at 2x speed of course).

And then I looked at some of the topic areas and thought "they could actually go in a book". So I drafted some chapter headings and copy-pasted all the relevant snippets into it, did a bit more reading of stuff I found on a quick search...and that's now over 8,000 words long.

But then...!

Yesterday the long awaited book by Michael Rogan arrived. He also has a short YT video on the subject which is concise and brilliant - I bought the book on those few minutes of viewing. Great job Michael!

It's title guarantees you'll want to buy it - How to Write a Book that doesn't Suck (and will actually sell). The Ultimate, No BS Guide to Writing a Non-Fiction Book.

Heck of a mouthful but half way through it, I looked at my 13 chapters long contents page and thought "he's right - that's way too much stuff to cram into one book". So I looked at the draft headings, grouped them into similar areas and now that book is about to become...four books.

I also have some ideas jotted down for another three on completely different subjects.

Now you see why it all went astray

And that's how your best plans go waaay out the window. But as I've said before, when you're on a roll you have to go with it. That momentum is what gets things going places. I know some people are all about sticking to the schedule and training your mind to produce at the time in the diary but c'mon. When you're on a new project where it's the ideas which will fuel the work ahead, you can't set things by the clock.

Oh, I suppose I could have said "no, I have to do these last tasks no matter what" but half my mind would've been on what I actually wanted - no - HAD to do, RIGHT NOW, while it's all buzzing in my mind. And I'd be distracted and forget something or do it wrong.

So, I junked the messing with code and all that and wrote instead. And really, really enjoyed doing it. Tell me I was wrong to do that. Not listening. It was the right choice to make.

Art may be taking a bit of a back seat for a couple more weeks while I get the ball rolling on the soon-to-be new blog but having done a massive tidy up, I now have all my sketches in one place and a neat stack of fresh canvases to work on as soon as I'm ready to go.

Momentum is great but organisation helps it get started right on time!

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