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Mixed media, written media and social media

One week later...four books in draft stage...

...another four in the wings, one article drafted on the fly - and submitted in a 'what the heck why not?' approach - it's being considered at the moment.

This has been fun. No idea where it's all going (I know how I'd like it to progress) but it is stimulating and engrossing. Only thing is, other stuff is not getting done. Apart from the obvious thorn...I should be getting back into my fitness training too. Maybe once I've got the first couple of books done I will carve out time for that.

Also decided I might not do another blog at the moment. It looks as though a rent increase is coming next year so rather than pay more for another domain and more monthly site fees I figured I'd just put the time into creating e-books or print on demand and see if that goes anywhere. We'll see.

Social media black hole

I have to get back to my Twitter account as well. And the Instagram thing. But they suck sooo much time good grief! In fact I'm trying to catch up with IG while I write this and it's not working out too well. Unsurprisingly.

I don't know how anyone can keep up with notifications, replies etc. and still get any work done. I love some of the work I see on these sites but you have to be really strict to how much time you give to them.

Aand some art too

Paintings of dancer in inks and an acrylic version in progress

I've started re-doing some of the ink pieces on canvas. Having seen the test prints, the canvas look is much better to my eyes so I think I'll stick to that format. Which means I should do a bunch of them before trawling up to London to get them scanned. More time and cost effective. I do really like working in acrylics and having the freedom to apply paint more freely.

I can also do this stuff when the sockets are off as there's a bit of work going on here. My old but hardy laptop has no battery so I avoid using it in case the power goes off part way through something!

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