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Hearts, flowers and a ton of glue

The last week has been super busy with various things. Worked every day at the office last week so not much time to start on the wedding project but did collect some bits and pieces and rough out an idea and colour scheme. Made a quick trip to town to get extra glue since I can't find the new pot I bought a while back. How do you mislay a 500ml pot of glue?? Then again, my room has been a total disaster zone for a while so...maybe not so strange. I've done a tidy up and it looks slightly less chaotic but still, no glue to be found.

Clearing and creating

I was back at the gallery yard at the weekend with my clippers and digging tool. Pulled a ton of weeds out the gravel and dug out more of the damn purple bell flower stuff (which was easier to take since it wasn't actually in flower - I hate cutting back things that still have flowers on them). My cutters turned out to be pretty blunt so I need to sharpen them and go back this weekend to attack the rest of the brambles. I've also volunteered my left over pot of coral wood stain for the trellises which are already up there. The house owners upstairs are dead pleased with things and I'm in my element clearing out stuff like that so we're all happy.

I've got dried superglue on my hands and glitter on my exercise mats but hey, it was fun to do. I just want to add a bit of depth to some of the areas, which I'll do with acrylic inks and draw some little things in black fine liner here and there and that should do it. I think and hope it will be okay. I didn't get much info on the groom so went for vaguely industrial for his side! You can see a bit of it here:

I've got dried superglue on my hands and glitter on my exercise mats but hey, it was fun to do. I just want to add a bit of colour depth to some of the areas, which I'll do with acrylic inks and draw some little things in black fine liner here and there and that should do it.


I also broke my switch off from covid stuff 'rule'. Everything the conspiracy theory types said would happen is now happening in many countries and it's not looking good so I came across a set up called Stand in the Park. They're all over the world and I thought I'd see who they were and what they did since we have a local one. Happily, they were all sensible types of all ages who didn't think the government were lizards and the jabs were secret micro-chipping tech. They just want open debate around vax passports and policy that avoids going full Monty on everything. It was a relief to find open minded people to exchange ideas, experiences and opinions with. There are quite a few working in the NHS who are very concerned about what's happening in their field including someone who works in medical ethics.

We had a bunch of banners and stood on the high street and invited people to say hi, ask questions or toot their horn if they agreed with the banner messages. And the surprise to me (or anyone who's been on any social media or read newspaper comments) was just how many people tooted, waved, yelled 'good on ya' etc. I'd assumed folks just didn't care that much about what's happening but it seems a great many do. I don't know where this is all going but at least it feels less isolating to hang around with a good bunch of folks - and that's the peril of being introverted. You have to get out of your head and into the world on a regular basis to get perspective. It's also given me another element to add to one of the book drafts that's been laid to one side for most of this year. That's the problem with non fiction - life keeps changing and adding to what you want to write about. I think I'll have to start going over that one once this week is over.


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