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Holiday mode ;)

That's my excuse for not doing a blog post back from Devon on Tuesday evening with a to-do list half a mile long and...totally forgot it was going to be Wednesday aka blog day when I got up. In fact I only realised in the early hours of this morning. Oops. I do try to make sure I post on time every week but now and again there's a glitch.

Time away is good for the soul

My all too short break was wonderful and much needed. My face broke into a huge smile when I glanced out the train window and saw my first glimpse of the distinctive reddish brown sea as the tide came in. The rocks around here are a gorgeous ochre red/orange colour which must colour the waves near the beach as it picks up sand. Walking out Torquay station my whole body took in a huge breath of fresh air, sea scent and feeling of expansiveness and the joy of open space as I looked at the ocean. So good to be back on the coast. Every time it gives me this psychological hit and a longing to make it a permanent place to be.

It was a slightly mixed few days. A lot of waiting around for stuff, which began when my local station was closed (no warning!) for track work and it took a frantic bus/tube hopping detour to get to Paddington on time, only to find the train cancelled due to lack of drivers. Had to wait for the Penzance train and change in Newton Abbott but still got to Torquay at a reasonable time. There was a late bus on Tuesday (driver shortages an issue again); hanging around ages for a Sunday Torquay group meet up that didn't happen (but met a couple of others who were also waiting) so ending up in Totnes too early for that meet up but not really enough time to take a walk anywhere very far.

Did a whizz around an art/craft street thing going on in TQ high street but to be honest, it wasn't that great since most of it looked bought in rather than actual artist and maker work. On Monday I took the top deck of the bus to Teignmouth so I could look at the rolling greenery of farmland on the left and out to sea on the right. That has to be the most picturesque bus rides in all South Devon - just make sure you sit on the top or you won't see over the high hedges. The view across the estuary as you come down the hill in Shaldon is spectacular.

Met up with brother and sis in law and we had lunch on a hot afternoon, wandered around town a little bit then spent another hour or so walking along the waters edge looking for interesting stones. Definitely a crabby place - found a few deceased ones and we could see the bubbling holes that suggested plenty safely buried beneath the sand. We finished up back in Torquay for coffee and home made dessert by the quayside. Tuesday was just chilling on the beach as the tide came in until I very reluctantly had to head back to the station. So it was nice and relaxing but more people orientated than is usual for me when I go away. My hermit tendencies still need lots of no-people-time even when I go away somewhere.

Now what?

Back home and the focus is back on my keto diet with a return to training. Did my first run for way too long last night. My previously wrecked ankle seemed to behave though I stayed on the flat and didn't go too far. I've been overweight and out of shape for too long and I'm bored with it now! Time to get my fitness mindset back on track. Even ordered a blood glucose monitor so I can see which foods are messing up my keto that may not be obvious. I have to be sooo strict with it to get any drop in weight so let's see if that gives any clues.

And more art

The painting I did for sis in law's birthday was a success - promptly got posted on FB and a friend asked if I can do another one for her. Yes. Yes, I can. Heading out soon to see if I can get some more square canvases in town since I only had the three at that size. I really enjoyed doing something totally different from my usual stuff and walking around the seaside galleries made me want to start painting right away.

Gathered a few more ideas to my current pile but about time I put brush to canvas and tried some of them. Of course my fantastic timing meant I'd arrived a week before Devon Open Studios starts (totally forgot about it) so maybe I need another couple of days for that? I'm kidding. Unless you have a car you're not going to see very much. But still want to go down again...

The Corner Gallery's opening was a hit! Plenty of sales, lots of guests and a really nice evening that stayed dry and mild with fairy lights and bright coloured cushions strewn on the deck out in the yard. I hope this gets even more people round to see the wide range of work on show and raise its success even further. You can never have too much art in the house after all.


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