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Landing legs deployed

(That's a Space X reference if you're wondering what the heck!)

Chilly start to the day, there's frost on the roof so it'll be layers of clothing when I head out after this. I so rarely go to the cinema but decided to go see the Matrix as it's on at the local cinema. I've obviously missed one or two of the follow up films but since this is a fresh start one, just gonna drop in at this point of the story.

Meanwhile, another piece I started months ago and just never felt pulled back to do any almost done with the sculpting. Just the hands to finish. This one had really long legs and was going to be a kind of spider woman kinda thing but...didn't care for it. So I chopped off about 2 cms, put new feet on and added bulk to all the areas and she looks quite normal now.

Mm, just noticed that right ankle needs a slight fix - I hate poorly extended feet and she looks a bit stiff there. I normally spot things like that after putting the first coat of paint on.

This leap used to be on my home page as a charcoal drawing, which still sits on top of some boxes as I never got round to buying fixative. Every now and then something brushes it and ends up with red/yellow pastel dust smeared on it. Oops.

Anyhow, it looks much better now. It's going to need a hoop or something for support but that might have to wait until after xmas cos I don't think I have more hoops in my metal box. The hoop has turned out to be a great idea when I want to do leaps or aerial moves as well as being rhythmic kit.

I have one day left at the office since Friday is annual leave and we're closed next week. Boss wanted a tree but office manager in no mood to faff around getting one so she improvised. I think it looks great! Merry Christmas!


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