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Multi pose pulp production project

It may be June but the coolth and rain is somewhat back this week. In a way it's good since I don't spend any time thinking about getting out to enjoy the sun while I work indoors. And I've been busy.

Since floating the idea of doing a small collection of pieces, there's been a mess of wire, pulp, glue and paper all over my work space. Been working as quickly as possible since doing four pieces is a lot of work and it tends to take over and I get nothing else done, so doing two at the same time means while pulp is drying on one I can be cracking on with another and setting up the next ones.

Started out with two definite ideas then made a list of possible poses and chose two from that.

The first two are done or...actually maybe not quite finished, having a couple of things I either want to add or change. The puddle on the woman isn't looking puddle enough so that needs a fix. And I don't like the text either and must remember to see if there's an actual watery-ish font I can use.

This was quite fun to figure out the props and how to make them without too much fussing about. It's amazing what you can cobble together with cardboard, paper, paint, glue and flexible filler. Now that box of ribbons and random thread things has finally come in useful.

The other piece might have a couple of things added. I'd like to have a fishing net but the netting I have is a horror to stick to things and could result in some swearing, so we'll see. And a sign. I feel a pun of some sort is needed here but haven't decided what it will be.

I'm quite pleased with how the checked shirt came out. The paper was a very soft texture and it was always possible it'd disintegrate as soon as water touched it but it held together really well in the end. The fish took much longer than I thought it would but it's fined. Adding a bit of glitter glue added a nice touch.

There are two more about 90% sculpted. I really want to get them both done for the weekend. The props for one of them are mostly done - the other only has one - then there's just painting and clothing to do. I should remember to sign them too. Always forget about that.

There's some tidy up and make over work to do in the yard behind the Corner Gallery to ready it for Carshalton Open Studios at the end of the month so I'm looking forward to being on the team for that.

Nothing beats making a rough space into something nice.

We did a lot of clearing for the gallery's opening but nature has done its thing and the little purple flowered things have recolonised all the spaces again. It's relentless stuff and very hard to get rid of without using way too nasty weedkillers. Sometimes it's better to just accept the regular clearing work. Anyhow, a lot of paint, some weeding, a bit of path/step repair etc. with some solar lights and it'll look so much better. Fun fun!


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