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Out on a limb

Kinda late doing this today. Had some wild weather last night and I could swear the dripping sound wasn't the usual rain being blown off the gutter. Had to get up and track down the source, that being a hairline crack in the plaster where the ceiling slope is. It was only a bead or two of water slowly sliding down the wall so, since it was nearly 1am at that point, I just put a tub over a stack of boards and such sitting there and a row of sponge pieces along the top of all of it and hoped it didn't get any worse.

Luckily the rain had pretty much done it's thing. Lucky also, that I'd had a roll of plastic wrap sitting over the boards hence the tinny sound that alerted me to the drips. So this morning I'm clearing out the corner and trying to figure out where to put stuff while we take a look at what's going on roof-wise. The extension is about 40 years old so I guess there's going to be issues sooner or later.

While I stop a minute to get this blog out, am waiting for the phone to do a horde of updates since it doesn't seem to want to set up the email to send the picture I just took.

Downloads finally completed. I nixed half of them which remain unused anyway given I have the phone mostly for the camera and one family Whatsapp group.

Photo has arrived. This piece is almost done. It'd be finished had I not had a short cold for a day and a half and was too annoyed with all the constant sneezing and runny nose to bother tinkering with things. That's what I get for a run of post midnight bed times. Always thought that notion about getting caught in the rain will give you a cold was such rubbish, but too little sleep can bring one on for me. Weird, eh. Anyhow, I slept a lot cos I got indigestion every time I drank anything and since lying down eased it, I had several naps and made up my sleep deficit. Happily the indigestion left with the cold.

So, still need to make a book but then it's just painting the skin, the shoes and finishing off the 'tree' to do then sealing it all. This one is for the local gallery - my other girl chilling with a book has sold so I figured it's best to do this kind of relaxation sculpture for there and direct the gymnastics/dance ones elsewhere. Ah yes, marketing. The bane of every artist.

Five minutes ago the sky was blue with white clouds, it was sunny and I though ah, Spring is on the way. Now it's solid grey again from horizon to horizon. I suppose the wind will blow some more blue sky over at some point. That's the time to get out for a walk and fresh air. Spring is on the way.


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