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Press pause

Sometimes the spark just isn't there and you can't put your finger on the issue. Things have been quiet here on the creative front over late Summer/Autumn and I'm looking at my messy art table which hasn't got anything I want to work on waiting for my attention.

Oh, that's not entirely true. Finishing off a suddenly decide on piece that was supposed to be for last weekend but the cool temperatures meant the pulp took so long to dry it wasn't finished in time. Oh well.

Meanwhile, not much else is going on with my 2d or 3d work.

It's not a creative block - there are plenty of things I could make a start on.

It's not lack of time - I have plenty free hours to get stuck in to something.

It's not having too many things on my plate to make space for art. I'm not bored but not overwhelmed either.

It could be having too many things on my mind, making it hard to take decisions on the best course of action to take in various parts of my life.

Maybe I'm being psychologically/psychically affected by the latest rounds of crazy going on in the world. The saying "ignorance is bliss" applies here.

But then again, do I want to be wafting around with no clue about what various governments are up to (especially our own), never mind looking at the shit show which is the UK economy?

Contemplating what it means for jobs and selling art and what, if any, steps can be taken for a just in case scenario is fine if you have many options. If you don't, well, that kinda takes up some mental space.

Then again, no one can see the future. Plenty of folks are way too keen to predict the worst of the worst and assume we can't do anything about it.

But I don't agree.

The media will always operate in hysteria/doom and gloom mode. These days, what they tell us is 180 degrees from reality and yes, you have to dig to find a more balanced picture. Then you wonder why 'journalists' can't manage to do that?

Anyway, I think we've all had enough of that these last few years and it's interesting (and amusing) to pop into comments on the latest panic headlines to find that no one believes a word of it anymore.

Mainstream media is losing views and readers month by month while indie journalists and critically thinking channels are gaining ever more subscribers.

People are looking for 'truth', whatever that is, assuming there is such a thing. Or at least, they want to get a better grasp of where the world is heading and most of all, it's clear they don't want what's on offer now and they really don't want what's being pushed for the future.

The tides are turning. I see groups setting up in many countries, aiming to take education, health, law and politics for example, into new ways of working that benefit us rather than disempower us.

So yeah, I guess my mind is on other things and creativity isn't hitting the spot. But that's fine. It always comes back. And when it does the ideas and energy will flow again.


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