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Prime, paint, pink overload

2021 is heading to its last days with rain. And more rain. Every night and most mornings it rains. Not a whole lot but enough to think I'll only go out if I need to. But this week I need to drop the bike off to have the gears tweaked. Since I got it back from the service the chain has gone back to slipping and catching in just a couple of days. They did say that would happen and it's only a couple of minutes work to adjust them. Since they play up when I'm part way up a steep hill, it needs doing before I go back to work.

I've noticed my forearm still has a small lump on it from the fall. Now I compare, the right side is quite puffy looking compared to the left. Hmm. No idea what that's about but since I can move it and it bears weight just fine I'm not going to worry about it, and since I have a lot of chronic muscle tightness around the elbow and forearm, it could actually be related to that rather than getting pitched off the bike onto tarmac. Time to get the foam roller out and lean in on all those tight muscles all over my body.

Leaping girl is finished sculpting-wise but I put some colour on her last night, aiming to match the pastel painting but it's ended up a kinda yucky pink mush. The apricot and red blended too well so it needs another sploosh of red to break up the main area.

Once the paint base is sorted I'll decide what colour to make the costume. Just a simple short tunic. Then maybe a bit of gold to brush over here and there. Have to go hunting for hoops after that so I can hang it up.

I need to make some more armatures for my next pieces. Not decided what I'm going to do next as yet. Have to take time to think over what I want to achieve this coming year. Plenty of things need attention but scattered attention is my problem so balance is going to be key.


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