Trying another new piece
Okay, this might look a bit odd since I've been unable to get the editor to load. Fortunately I can at least access the blog from the dashboard but it looks a bit weird. Oh well. Wasted enough time trying to fix things. Gotta do what I can.
We’re back to wet and windy today. The brief moments when it felt like Spring have gone for now. I’m just hoping it’s better when I go to work tomorrow. I loathe battling wind and heavy rain on a bicycle and bad weather turns drivers into nutcases for some reason.
I’m cracking on fast with my latest piece. If you had to guess what it was would you opt for?
a) someone fly fishing
b) someone wielding a light sabre
c) someone flying a kite?
Could be any of those but since it’s March which means’s a kite flyer but with only one ‘string’ attached at the moment. Haven’t even decided what shape the kite will be so I cut a longer piece to allow for it to form part of the frame of whatever shape I choose. She’s a bit skinny but clothing will pad her out more.
To finish it involves lots of bitty things.
Look at kite pictures, construct a frame for the chosen shape, add paper to frame and paint
Attach the second wire and add hands with a peg thing that the 'string' is wound around
Add some wildly blowing hair and paint. Haven't decided whether the hair will be paper pulp, paper strings or embroidery threads...hmm, decisions.
Splosh some autumn colours onto a bit of paper to make leaf shapes (I have one of those shape cutting snippy things for maple leaves)
Put a base paint layer in white over the whole piece
Paint sort of abstracty skin colour on exposed areas
Decide what to do with the base - paint or paper it? What colour?
Decide on clothing - I want a scarf blowing around; what kind of paper is needed? What colours?
Make clothing
Finish detail on shoes and paint
Seal whole piece
Go back and sign it since I usually forget to do that. Re seal that part.
Pretty happy that after taking some new pieces to the Corner Gallery to swap out with the mixed bag of dance/acro pieces, I had to return the Osiel Gouneo inspired leap as it has a buyer. When you’re just starting out with art it’s a delight every time someone buys something. In fact, I'm probably always going to get a kick out of selling!
I know some artists get very attached to their work and can find it hard to part with, but I’m quite practical about it all. The point is to make stuff I like, hope it finds a buyer who likes it too, and things go from my place to their place (clearing a bit of space in my room)...and that’s how it works. Get your stuff out in the world, share what you do then go and make new stuff.